Here’s Why Websites Should Not Ignore Color-blind People

color blind test

Between 4% and 8% of the world’s population are color-blind. While that statistic seems low, it actually equates to at least 300 million people.

That’s why this group means so much to businesses, especially those who wish to market online. Web and SEO services should account for accessibility. But why does color matter anyway, and how should websites accommodate people's needs with color blindness?

The Psychology of Color

Although color psychology is still not an official science, many studies already show that shades can impact people’s behavior—at least how the brain interprets these colors.

One of these is the 2016 research by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The study aimed to show that red can have different—and contrasting—effects on an individual depending on their instinctual behavior.

Red has always been associated with danger or stop (as in the stoplight) or urgency (such as the color of SALE signs). In other words, it usually generates compliance among individuals.

However, as the university’s study suggested, it might not be the case with high attention-seekers. These individuals are often reactive, and the color may relate to arousal.

It may then encourage them to less compliant and, thus, engage in reckless or rebellious behavior. For example, they may engage in rash decisions regarding their finances.

Meanwhile, in the 2006 study,

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