Germany’s Hop Institute Delivers the Goods

beer concept

The Hopfenforschungszentrum Hüll (Hop Research Center Hüll) is making waves in Germany. The hop institute breaks away from the traditional aroma and flavors of noble hops, introducing newer and more flavorful hops.

1. Mandarina Bavaria

Germany’s quest for more flavorful hops has eventually led to the creation of Mandarina Bavaria. The unique hop produces different tones depending on how it’s used. As a flavoring hop, it is purely citrus and fruity. Strong tangerine, lemon, and lime notes dominate its flavor profile, with softer tones of gooseberry, strawberry, and black currant. Its strong citrusy flavors often get compared to America’s Citra or Australia’s Galaxy. However, when used as a bittering hop, Mandarina Bavaria reverts to its noble roots, as it exudes strong aromas of spice and mint.

2. Hallertau Blanc

Similar to New Zealand’s Nelson Sauvin, Hallertau Blanc is another hop that produces wine-like brews. It produces strong notes of white grape, passion fruit, pineapple, and lemongrass. Floral notes further intensify the tones of grape, which can be overwhelming for casual beer drinkers. Like wine, it produces crisp and clean bitterness with minimal aftertaste. Hallertau Blanc’s wine-like flavors and aromas make it an excellent choice for IPAs, Belgian ales, and lagers

3. Polaris

There is no mistaking the taste of a Polaris brew. The hop produces powerful notes of spice and mint. Its flavors and aroma create a very “icy” brew, often compared to mint candies. Its bitterness can be on the strong side, but it remains clean instead of harsh. Polaris brews are extremely popular during hot summers, and most brewers prefer to pair it with strong flavoring hops like Citra, Galaxy, or Motueka. You can also pair it with Hallertau Blanc or Nelson Sauvin and create champagne-like flavors.

4. Huell Melon

Hop addition into a beer

Huell Melon traces its ancestry to the American Cascade and an undisclosed German hop. Like Cascade, it retains strong citrusy and fruity flavors. It produces strong notes of melon, with underlying tones of strawberry and apricot. Discerning palates might also detect mild hints of orange, vanilla, and tea. Bitterness is on the mild side with a clean and crisp character. Brewers often use it as a bittering hop and enhance the aroma of a stronger citrus or fruit hop.

5. Taurus

Who would expect the taste of chocolate, bananas, pepper, and curry in one brew? Taurus produces all four flavors in an overwhelming mix of confusing flavors and aromas. It would have been relegated as a novelty hop if not for its nutritional value. Taurus brews are probably the healthiest brews you can drink, providing you with high levels of xanthohumol, which can inhibit cancer growth. Taurus works great as a novelty brew, or you can use it as a bittering hop for healthy brews with not so interesting flavors.

In the end, German hops have a reputation of being dull and bland, but the Hull Institute erases all that by creating a new batch of interesting and flavorful hops. If you need more information on craft beer, feel free to consult an expert.

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